For Businesses

Attempting to change behaviour and attitudes on our roads can be difficult without the support of our communities. Roadsafe Taranaki recognizes collaboration, partnerships and a shared goal creates opportunities to make our roads a safer place. This is why community groups, schools and road safety partners are needed to make positive change.

Taranaki Road Safety Workplace Charter (the Charter)

The Charter is the perfect instrument to implement some great initiatives to keep staff who drive a vehicle on the road as safe as possible. The Charter has been designed with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 in mind. It is an effective tool for small, medium, large or sole trader companies and organisations as it provides logical steps in regards to employee road safety and also demonstrates their commitment to the safety of their workforce when on the road.

The Charter can support the work you are already delivering in relation to Health & Safety and ensure contractors, sub-contractors, volunteers and trainees also commit to the safety and well-being of workers on your site. If you are interested in signing up or would like further information/clarification on any sections of the Charter, please contact one of our team.

Driver Training

Roadsafe Taranaki funds an annual Advanced Driving Course for young or inexperienced drivers. This includes theory, interactive activities and two short practical courses on emergency braking and cornering. The venue is rotated between New Plymouth, Hawera and Stratford. The course will be advertised via radio, newspaper, workplace, secondary schools, Roadsafe Taranaki website/Facebook and posters.

To register your interest for any future driving courses we may run, please send an email to one of our team. Driver training in Taranaki is provided by a range of organisations and their details can be found on the New Zealand Transport Agency website

Driver Licensing

Taranaki is a rural region with limited access to public transport. The region’s workforce is very reliant on agriculture and the oil and gas industry so being able to drive is crucial for employment and everyday life.

Roadsafe Taranaki supports a number of driver licensing programmes around the region. Contact us to find out who delivers a course that would suit your needs.

Supporting Road Safety

There are a number of ways you can support road safety in Taranaki. These include:

  • Promoting the Taranaki Road Safety Workplace Charter
  • Supporting road safety events with resources (funding, personnel, time, promotion)
  • Include road safety messages during unit/team meetings
  • Sponsor a speaker to deliver road safety presentations in schools, workplaces or communities
  • Encourage staff to identify and report road safety risks then actively reduce or eliminate that risk
  • Invite Roadsafe Taranaki to deliver a road safety activity into your workplace
  • Help fund a road safety project or event that benefits young at risk drivers.

Available Presentations for Workplaces

Roadsafe Taranaki has a number of interactive activities designed to engage and create discussion around road safety and our behaviour when on the road. All these presentations can be delivered to your staff by Roadsafe Taranaki (free of charge), however some activities could be delivered in-house by your Health & Safety team after training with Roadsafe Taranaki. The presentations available include:


This is the story of Carmen Rogers who was hit and killed by a drink driver in the New Plymouth CBD just before 5pm on a weekday in 2014. The speed limit was 30 km per hour, the driver was travelling under the speed limit but well over the blood alcohol limit of 400 mcg of alcohol per litre of breath.

The presentation includes a 20 minute film, six storyboards followed by a group discussion. It is great for smaller groups of around 15 to 20, but can be adapted to larger groups.

Seatbelt Simulator:

The seatbelt simulator is an educational tool that allows the rider to experience the surprising amount of force generated, even at a low speed, in a collision. Participants will fully understand the benefits of wearing a seatbelt correctly.

It is great for delivery during a lunch break or during an all-day event within a workplace and takes approximately two to three minutes per person. One person at a time can ride the simulator but a group of 10-15 can hear the safety briefing and educational advice.

Driveway Runover Demo:

The Driveway Runover kit was developed by Safekids NZ to address the lack of education around driveway safety in New Zealand. The kit is an interactive resource designed to educate and increase driveway risk awareness.

It is great for smaller groups as it does involve participants entering and exiting a vehicle to get the full effect of the demonstration. It can be used at community events and there are two available in Taranaki. Roadsafe Taranaki has one based in Hawera and the Health Promotion Unit at the Taranaki District Health Board has one based in New Plymouth. There is no charge to use this kit.

Fatal Vision Goggles:

The Fatal Vision Goggles are a hands-on tool that allows people to experience, with a sober mind, the effects of alcohol, drugs or fatigue. The sessions demonstrate how your balance, vision, reaction time and judgement can be affected and are relevant to anyone who drives or operates machinery.

It is great for groups of around 10 to 15 or during an all-day event as a constant stream of people can participate one at a time and it takes approximately two to three minutes per person.